Are you currently struggling to get traffic to your adult website? Whether you are in the webcam niche, escort agency, entertainment or even the gambling industry – it can be extremely difficult to generate traffic to your website, especially organic traffic. One of the most effective ways that you can generate organic traffic to your adult site who are already interested in your products or services is through Adult SEO. As you know, the adult industry is super competitive with many businesses and brands battling for the top spot.
Due to certain guidelines and roadblocks, it can be hard to market your website on certain outlets meaning you don’t have all the tools available compared to other industries so arguably the greatest tool that you have available to generate new clients and customers is through search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing but as you may think ‘how can I compete against these huge companies with mega budgets that have established for years?’ Through the power of smart adult SEO, you can start to gain advantages for your business.
Each month, adult industry websites are driving more traffic than mega powerhouses such as Twitter, Netflix and even Amazon with the sexual wellness niche being valued at over 50 billion and continuing to grow. That is a massive industry and imagine you could grab a bigger piece of the pie for your business. If you get adult SEO right, you’ll get amazing benefits such as a massive increase in traffic leading to a boost of revenue, establishing your business as one of the tops in your industry and more.
The biggest challenge is finding the right Adult SEO tactics that can help grow your business, we have got our experts in SEO today to help give you some free tips on how you can improve your SEO for your adult website.
Website Is Mobile-Friendly
Most of the traffic on adult websites comes through people on their mobile. That means that your website should be not only work perfectly on desktop but on mobile aswell. Not only because you don’t want to give your customer a poor user experience by neglecting them through poor website design but it is in fact a factor in how Google ranks your page, Google has publicly come out and stated that they favour websites that are more mobile-friendly compared to websites that aren’t.
Your website should load fast on a mobile, layout that they can easily navigate through, readable font size and avoid using large pop-ups. Test your website to make sure that is completely responsive across all devices.
Correct On-Site SEO
Onsite SEO is an important aspect of the success of your adult business which you shouldn’t neglect. No matter what you do outside of the website to grow, it’ll never work due to your website being poorly optimised.
There are hundreds and hundreds of adult businesses online, your website will need to have original, engaging content that has to be truly unique and tailored to your website & target audience. Never copy any content word for word.
The content that you create should contain targeted keywords so it should be in your URL, Meta Title, Meta Description, Website Content, Image Titles and more. Through tools such as Ahfers & SEMRush, you are able to search relevant keywords and your competitors to see what keywords they are currently ranking for. You can reverse engineer success for your business, if you can see what is working for other competitors you can use it aswell but increase the quality.
Building Adult Backlinks
Backlinks can seriously increase the rankings of your pages when done right. Dedicate time to reaching out to adult niches websites that are popular – there are several ways you can get backlinks such as offering to write a guest post meaning they get original content that is informative in exchange to link back to your website or many websites due to their standing will most likely will want a payment so it may be helpful to set aside a budget on how much you want to spend on links.
You should be targeting websites that are high authority and relevant to your industry as Google will recognise your site as an authority in your niche. Ever hear the saying quality over quantity? You should only attempt to source quality backlinks instead of a bulk of nasty ones that could harm your website.
This can be a difficult process which will take time and effort till you find the right connections. Through our years of experience, we have built up relationships within the adult industry that can help us source powerful backlinks.
Post-Daily / Weekly Content
Creating daily or weekly content to keep your website active can help boost your rankings within your niche. It can help show you are in authority in the industry by providing informative, engaging content plus you are able to bring new users to your website if they are interested in what you are posting. The content that you are creating should be targeted at your audience with questions, topics and news that they will enjoy.
New content that you produce for your website also creates new opportunities for you to rank for certain keywords. This will increase the potential of the people you reach for your adult website.
Find Adult SEO Experts

Doing Adult SEO on your own can be extremely difficult, time-consuming and potentially lose money when done incorrectly. To save yourself time and hassle, invest in a professional adult SEO service from experts such as the team here at RankAdult.
We are able to understand where your website is currently at, what your targets are moving forward and what you need to do in order to reach them through a tailored & targeted adult SEO strategy.